Hello Fellow Teachers of English Language Arts!

While our world is starting to open up little by little, the BCTF has advised all PSAs that large gatherings like our annual fall conference will not be possible this year. All of us in our BCTELA community are saddened that we won’t be coming together for that so important dose of inspiration and connection. However, we also recognize how much we value our connections and learning from each other, so we are pleased to let you know that we will be moving to hosting a virtual BCTELA conference on Oct. 23, 2020. We are also thrilled that our keynote, Kelly Gallagher, is willing to come to us virutally that day, from his home in California. So, plan for another fabulous day of ELA community with Kelly and some of our BC favourites again this October.

In keeping with tradition, BCTELA is inviting our members to connect with each other in a pre-conference book club via Twitter. This year, we’ll be reading and slow-chatting about 180 Days, Two Teachers and the Quest to Engage and Empower Adolescents by Kelly Gallagher and Penny Kittle. We’ll be giving away 15 books to BCTELA members! See details below to find out how you can enter to win a book!

[gview file=”https://bctela.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/BCTELA-Book-Club-Application-2020.docx”]

Anyone can join the chat over a period of 9 weeks (1 chapter per week). We will release more details about the topics, chapters, co-moderators after the draw. The start date will also give people time to order the book directly from Pearson Canada:

Click here to order:    Order 180 Days from Pearson Canada

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