ou can join the BCTELA PSA online through the BCTF Website:
BC Teachers of English Language Arts
You can leave a message using the contact form below.
[contact-form to=’mmgauthier@sd91.bc.ca’ subject=’New Submission From Contact Form’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
Our SD44 secondary school is looking for a presenter to teach about infusing best literacy practices across the content areas for a school based Pro Day in January 2025. I was hoping to talk to someone about a list of possible presenters from the Lower Mainland? Please contact me at your earliest convenience
Hello there, will the Voices Visible writing contest be happening this school year (2024-2025)?
Also, do you know when we can expect last year’s contest to be updated? The last status update was in May 2024. If you could please help provide a bit of information, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Hello Olivia!! Thanks for reaching out! We just did our launch of the contest at our conference on Friday!! The new publication was given to attendees and will be mailed to last year’s winners soon! Stay tuned for an updated entry form. We had some great suggestions for a few tweaks to the descriptions of submissions so will wait for those changes to be finalized before releasing the form! Keep watching!!
In kindness,
Michelle at BCTELA
When I registered for the 2024 conference on Oct 25th, I made a mistake on my email address, please see below and I need a new receipt sent to the proper address. I’m not sure why there is no mechanism to contact you directly without having to post potentially private information. In today’s day and age this seems like a serious oversight. I did not find a direst email to get to anyone in your offices. Am I missing something?
Hi there! Could you please let me know how many people generally attend each breakout session/how many people the rooms accommodate? I am trying to get numbers so I can provide enough session materials for each participant. Thank you!
Hi Mikayla.
The session attendance varies quite dramatically actually. It is really hard to estimate. We are opening registration tonight. The conference organizers do try to let presenters know once we get closer to the date.
Hello! I just submitted a conference workshop proposal but noticed that the deadline for submissions had already lapsed. Are you still looking for presenters?
Hello, I was wondering if you have exhibitors at your fall conference and if so, what the process is for applying?
Hi. I submitted a proposal for the BCTELA conference and wanted to let you know I can lengthen it to180 minutes from my stated 90 minutes if you’re looking for longer presentations. Thanks.