Poetry Month: day 13

When in need of new poetry activities, or poems to share with your students, why not stop by your school library and chat with your teacher-librarian?  Poetry in your library will be in the 811s (occasionally in the 819s).  Your teacher-librarian will likely have connections to resource-networks outside your school, and at the very least […]

Poetry Month: day 12

Today’s resource is one by our very own Starleigh Grass, who has served on the BCTELA executive a few times and who currently works for FNESC. Starleigh wrote an article about using poetry text sets on social justice themes last year that is worth looking at again.  She shares a favourite unit on poetry.org on […]

Poetry Month: day 11

Slam poetry is often generated from a place of core feeling.  Not always, of course, but much of the compelling performance and slam poetry to be found online and at local poetry slams seems to originate deep in the speaker’s heart. Because the topics are so close to the speakers, we often hear pieces about […]

Poetry Month: day 9

This week I taught my 6/7s about pantoums.  A pantoum is a structured poem, written in quatrains, with the repetition of particular lines creating a morphing effect in the voice. Here is my Pantoum handout. My students were not learning poetry terms with their classroom teachers so at the top of my handout there is […]

Poetry Month: day 8

Today I bring you The Poetry Shed. The Poetry Shed is a page in the larger Literacy Shed.  Here, you will find “animated poems as well as poems read by actors and authors along with written poems and teaching ideas.” (from the site)