Table of Contents
Editorial: Expanding the Universe of Text, by Starleigh Grass
Teaching Ideas
- We are More: What does it Mean to be Canadian? by Carol Walters
A great lesson plan from the 2010 Olympics. - A Celebration of the Earth: an Annotated Bibliography, by Kat Thomson
Twenty-two great resources about the environment. - My Way to America, by Beth Olshansky
Investigating our Practice
- Reading Across the Curriculum: A Report from the 2009 NCTE Region 7 Conference, by Crag Hill
- Electronic Portfolios: Integrating Multiliteracies and Turning Assessment on its Head, by Kathy Sanford.
- Mastering Marking Madness, by Brooke Moore
Musings and Meaderings
- A Girl I Met Today, by Megan Gager
An original short story about the author’s experience in India. - Trickster Art: The Digital Storytelling of Chris Bose, from
Chris will be presenting at the 2010 conference. - BCTELA and ERAC: Working Together. A primer about how they work together.
- 2010 Conference Brochure