Posted by Celia Brogan “Anyone can lead a walk because everyone is an expert on the places they live, work, and play.” Have you heard of Jane’s Walks? Inspired by the work of Jane Jacobs, Jane’s Walks are neighbourhood walking tours, led by a member of the community. The tour routes and content are as […]
Myth, Madness and a Tale of a Golden Spruce
posted by Celia Brogan The Golden Spruce: A True Story of Myth, Madness and Greed by John Vaillant. I love this book. The prose are poetic to the extent that I have used passages as prompts in an art class. The story opens with a mystery and proceeds to weave together strands of natural history, […]
Reading Across the Curriculum by Crag Hill
To provide more opportunities for students to practice writing, many universities instituted Writing Across the Cur riculum (WAC) programs starting in the 1980s. These programs are based on the principles that writing promotes learning, that writing is the responsibility of all content teachers, that writing should be integrated in all disciplines through out a student’s […]